Word of the Day


Definition: Pointing out or revealing clearly.
Synonyms: indicatory, revelatory, suggestive, indicative
Word of the Day provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Article of the Day
Article of the Day provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Daily Grammar Lesson
Daily Grammar Lesson provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Idiom of the Day

get wise to (someone or something)

To become fully aware or cognizant of someone or something, especially if he, she, or it is suspicious, illegal, or malicious in nature or intention.
Idiom of the Day provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

This Day in History
This Day in History provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Today's Birthday
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Today's Holiday

Camp Fire Founders' Day

The organization originally known as the Camp Fire Girls was founded on March 17, 1910, around the same time that the Boy Scout movement was getting its start in Great Britain. Now it is coeducational and is known as Camp Fire. The organization stresses self-reliance, and membership is divided into five age levels, from Sparks (pre-school) to Horizon (grades 9-12). Interaction with adults is also emphasized as a way of learning about career choices, hobbies, and other interests. Camp Fire's founding is observed by members as part of Camp Fire Boys and Girls Birthday Week. More...
Today's Holiday provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Quote of the Day
He died...of a broken heart, a distemper which kills many more than is generally imagined.
Henry Fielding
Quote of the Day provided by The Free Library

Word Trivia

Today's topic: row

windbreak - A row of trees acting as a fence. More...

acrostic - From Greek akron, "end," and stikhos, "row, line of verse." More...

queue - Has the forms queued and queuing or queueing; queueing has five vowels in a row. More...

row - The verb comes from Germanic ro-, "steer," and row, "orderly line," which is from Germanic raigwa. More...

Word Trivia provided by FreeThesaurus.com

Grammar Quiz
Grammar Quiz provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Spelling Bee
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Spelling Bee provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!

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Hangman provided by TheFreeDictionary.com

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